Personal Injury Lawyer In Columbus Ohio

Personal Injury Lawyer In Columbus Ohio – The moments after the accident are undeniably compelling. But what happens once you seek medical help and go home? Unfortunately for many it is not over yet. If you were involved in an accident as a result of the actions of another person and are now facing lasting consequences, a Columbus personal injury attorney can help you get the compensation you need to get back to life.

When negligence causes suffering to others, filing a personal injury claim is one way to seek compensation for damages and to hold the guilty party accountable for their actions. Depending on the claim, the application can be complicated. That’s why it’s best to work with a law firm. Thomas Law Offices is ready to assess your situation, discuss your options and make your claim. Let’s take a look at some of the more common personal injury cases we see in Columbus, Ohio.

Personal Injury Lawyer In Columbus Ohio

The personal injury law allows accident victims to file a civil court claim seeking compensation if their accident was caused by the negligent actions of another person. Ohio follows a modified comparative negligence rule. This means that to receive an accident compensation, you must be less than 50% at fault. If you are partially liable, your compensation will be reduced by that percentage.

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Clients bring us a variety of personal injury claims. Some of the most common accidents are related to automobile accidents, truck accidents, nursing home abuse, and medical malpractice. If your case falls into another litigation area, we stand ready to assist you through the legal process and ensure justice is served.

Car accidents happen for a variety of reasons. However, when it comes to negligence, the cause most likely has to do with driver error. When drivers are distracted, tired or careless, they put the lives of others at risk.

According to the Ohio Highway Patrol, 379 people died in traffic accidents in 2019. According to a breakdown, Franklin County, where Columbus lives, has the highest number of crash-related deaths. Perry County finished second.

If you were involved in a collision with another vehicle, you could suffer injuries such as broken bones, whiplash, head trauma, internal injuries, and more. Depending on the severity and expected recovery time, you may need a significant amount of time off. In that case, you will benefit from working with a lawyer, as they will be able to help you recover lost wages.

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Towing trailers are ubiquitous on all types of roads, providing a variety of different goods and services. While many truckers are responsible and capable drivers, this is not always the case. When a truck driver’s negligence causes an accident, the victim can file a claim.

When a trailer collides with a smaller passenger car, the consequences can be catastrophic, even fatal. The forces involved in these crashes, especially at high speeds, can cause traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and instant death.

For those who survive truck crashes, there is a risk of permanent injury. If you’ve suffered a catastrophic injury, an attorney can help you file a claim to make sure your medical bills are paid and that you have enough money to cover future care costs.

Nursing home residents are among the most vulnerable to abuse and neglect. Neglecting facilities and their staff may physically, emotionally, sexually, or financially abuse residents. Incidents of abuse are often attributed to poor management, understaffing, inadequate hiring, and inadequate training.

Ohio Car Accident Lawyer

Unfortunately, Columbus and the surrounding areas have a history of abusive nursing homes. For example, in June 2018, two nursing assistant residents of a nursing home were charged with patient abuse after they sprayed hairspray on the face of a 94-year-old woman at the Canal Winchester facility. The incident was a social media hack that was discovered when an employee posted a video.

If you feel that your loved one has been abused, abused or neglected in your facility, it is important to remove them from the situation as soon as possible. Notify the facility of the alleged abuse and contact a Columbus attorney. We can investigate the situation and ensure that your loved one receives the compensation they need to recover as fully as possible.

Malpractice occurs when a hospital, medical facility, doctor, nurse, or other medical professional violates standards of care and harms a patient. Standard of care refers to the actions a typical medical professional takes to provide the best care for a patient in a given situation.

Neglect can occur in the operating room, when prescribing prescriptions or medications, during evaluations, or on discharge from the hospital. Common harms include preventable drug reactions, surgical injuries, and exacerbations due to misdiagnoses.

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Working with a Columbus medical malpractice attorney is vital if you believe that a doctor’s negligence caused your injury and loss. Medical claims are among the most complex personal injury cases, which is why you need the support of an experienced attorney to ensure you get a successful outcome.

No matter what type of accident you are involved in, you deserve the opportunity to heal. Thomas Law Offices can help you file an injury compensation claim and seek compensation for your losses.

The legal concept of negligence means that a person or entity fails to act properly in a given situation. For example, drivers should respect the rules of the road and avoid any reckless behavior while driving. Doctors are required to adhere to the standard of medical care while treating patients. A civil action can be brought when a person fails to comply with a legal obligation not to cause harm to others.

Proving negligence isn’t always simple, it’s a multi-step process. Your personal injury attorney will walk you through the process to make sure you understand your rights and options every step of the way. First, you need to establish responsibilities. This is the negligent party’s legal responsibility to pay you. The second element, breach of contract, shows how they have failed to fulfill their duties.

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Once your attorney has determined that you deserve a level of care or diligence that hasn’t been provided, it’s time to prove causation—the act that caused your harm. This is usually related to the type of claim you are making, such as a car accident, truck accident, etc.

Finally, it’s time to determine the damage. The compensation you are entitled to will depend on the injury you suffered and its wide-ranging effects. While your attorney can give you an idea of ​​potential damages based on similar past cases, the value of a case can’t be determined until the case is resolved or goes to trial.

While negligence is the root cause of most civil cases, it’s not the only relevant concept. Two other bases for the claim include:

If you are injured, it is important to contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. You may know your rights but not know how to ask for recovery. Thomas Law Offices has many years of experience helping injury victims and we are ready to take on your case. All you need to do is get a free case evaluation with our company.

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Founded in 1821, Columbus is named after explorer Christopher Columbus, according to the Ohio Historical Society. Today, the state capital and the most populous city in the Midwest after Chicago, Columbus is home to nearly 900,000 people.

Columbus is filled with destinations, activities and entertainment for both locals and visitors. Families can visit the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, the Franklin Park Conservatory and Arboretum or the Columbus Museum of Art.

For those interested in sports, professional and collegiate games and competitions are held throughout the year. If you want to explore the city, you can traverse several neighborhoods including Downtown/Franklinton, Short North, German Village/Brewery District, Arena District, Campus/Clintonville, Easter, and Near East.

While Columbus is a fascinating and diverse city, it’s not immune to accidents either. Like anywhere else, there are automobile accidents, truck accidents, and other situations that call for personal injury claims. If you were involved in an accident in Columbus and would like to recover compensation, Thomas Law Offices attorneys can help. Thomas Law Offices is located in Cincinnati, less than two hours from Columbus.

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We work hard to help personal injury victims throughout Ohio and Columbus is no exception. Schedule a meeting with us online or by phone today to find out how we can serve you.

An accident, regardless of its type, can affect victims in many ways. Many times, the person not only has to deal with the physical damage but also has to deal with the emotional trauma and figure out how to deal with the financial loss. Fortunately, filing a personal injury insurance claim can help you recover any pending losses.

Most personal injury damages are classified as compensatory damages. This means that they are intended to compensate the injured party for the loss

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