Personal Injury Lawyer Woodbridge Va

Personal Injury Lawyer Woodbridge Va – Medical Accidents Auto Malpractice Personal Injury Trauma Brain Injury Accident Wrongful Death Best Names Laviers® Zauzig Personal Injury 2019 “Lawyer of the Year”

Charles J. Zauzig has been named the 2019 Personal Injury Lawyer of the Year in the Washington DC area, an honor he also received in 2014.

Personal Injury Lawyer Woodbridge Va

According to Best Laviers®, only one attorney in each practice area and metropolitan area is named “Lawyer of the Year” annually by receiving the highest total vote and peer feedback averages for that specialty and position.

Washington Dc Personal Injury Attorneys

Last year, Mr. Zauzig was named “Lawyer of the Year” for medical malpractice plaintiffs, an honor he also received in 2016 and 2011.

In addition to “Lawyer of the Year”, Mr. Zauzig is listed in the 2019 edition of Laviers® Best in Medical Insurance Claimant Practice Area.

Mr. Zauzig, an expert and frequent national lecturer in the field of medical malpractice, is President of Nichols Zauzig Sandler and director of the Zauzig Litigation Group, a division of Nichols Zauzig Sandler that specializes in medical malpractice, wrongful death and brain injury cases. He was recently inducted into the American Academy of Trial Lawyers and is a former member of the Board of Directors of the American Association for the Judiciary.

Last year Mr. Zauzig received a Distinguished Service Award from the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, where he is an active past president. For his life’s dedication to the legal profession, Mr. Zauzig was recognized by the Southern Trial Lawyers Association along with W. McKinley, Jr. accident, the at-fault driver will be faced with an assumed financial responsibility for medical bills. Most people plan to take financial responsibility by purchasing auto insurance from a licensed NoVa auto insurance company, and this ensures that the at-fault driver will have some amount of personal injury insurance that will pay third party bills. . The situation becomes difficult when the injured party files a claim for bodily injury liability coverage against the at-fault driver and the company refuses to pay the bills. Those who find themselves in this situation should call a Virginia car accident attorney to help them get the compensation they deserve. Talk to an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss your legal options.

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Virginia is a tort state, which means that car accident lawsuits are not limited by no-fault laws, as they may be in other jurisdictions. If a car operator injures another driver, passengers, pedestrians or cyclists, the injured person may be entitled to compensation and may use the courts to recover, even if the other driver made a mistake such as failure to volunteer. By working with an experienced Virginia car accident attorney, injured parties can file a personal injury lawsuit in NoVa court for damages resulting from the accident.

Car accidents can result in many damages, including economic damages. Injured people may need to miss work as they recover from the accident or may need to enter a rehabilitation facility. They may have many doctor visits, surgeries, medications and tests, all of which involve significant medical expenses. If the injury is very serious, they may need care for the rest of their lives and need compensation to pay for the high level of care. A TBI or traumatic brain injury is an example of the type of injury someone can sustain in a front-end or rear-end accident.

The legal principle of negligence is what allows someone to be financially responsible for an injury they cause to another, even if there was no malice or intent in their actions. Consequently, the defendant’s discovery of the legal negligence alleged in the lawsuit or settlement claim generally plays a central role in most successful car accident lawsuits.

Simply put, a driver in Virginia can be negligent if they do something negligent or negligent that causes someone to be directly injured. Recklessness can take many different forms depending on the circumstances leading up to the accident, from clearly illegal actions such as speeding to simply reckless actions such as driving while distracted. Therefore, different types of evidence may be needed to prove negligence and hold someone else accountable for the injuries and losses suffered in a car accident.

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In some cases, knowing whether a particular party was at fault for the ticket in the wreck may be enough to hold them accountable for the incident that occurred. In other situations, a Virginia car accident attorney may be able to assist in finding additional documentary, forensic, and corroborative evidence of negligence, including surveillance camera footage, photos from the accident scene, and information from witnesses and accidental configurations.

If someone dies as a result of an accident, family members of the deceased can pursue the wrongful driver for the loss of a loved one and the loss of a primary caregiver in a wrongful death action. Damages related to a wrongful death action arising from a wrongful death lawsuit can include medical bills, emergency room expenses, proper funeral expenses, pain and suffering, and economic damages such as loss of earnings. we hope in the future.

Virginia residents who have property damaged in a car accident can still file a claim for their damaged property. NoVa drivers must purchase property damage coverage to cover third-party repair costs for all damaged property or pay into the Damage Insurance Fund, administered by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). If the at-fault car insurance company is disputing these bills, the owners of the damaged property can file a lawsuit against them as well. The damaged property in question can be another vehicle, but it can also include personal property other than the car, including personal items such as laptops, iPods, clothing or other items damaged due to negligence. driver error.

People involved in a car accident can often be wary of talking to an attorney for several reasons. They may wonder what a lawyer can do for their case, they may not know what questions to ask, or they may be concerned about the cost of legal services. People who have suffered injuries or property damage as a result of a car accident should not wait until they hear from the wrongful car insurance company to contact an attorney; they should do this immediately after an accident occurs. Securing the knowledge of a legal professional early on will help ensure that they get everything right in the event they need to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver and the insurance company. In the event that legal representation is not necessary for one’s case, an experienced personal injury attorney will be able to speak to the accident victim as well as provide guidance and peace of mind during a difficult time.

Personal Injury Lawyers

Before any civil lawsuit can begin, there are several procedural steps that car accident victims must take to avoid criminal charges for hit and run. Anyone who is unsure whether they have met these requirements should speak to their Virginia attorney about this before starting a car accident lawsuit or settlement request.

According to Virginia law §46.2-894, any person involved in any type of traffic accident – whether it results in injury, death or property damage – has a legal duty to stop their vehicle from traffic as soon as possible help. to any to others third party is needed. They must also give their name, address, vehicle registration number and driver’s license number to everyone involved, and to any responding police.

If the accident victim is injured and unable to perform these duties at the scene of the accident, he or she must file an accident report with the local or state police and make good efforts to locate the party or other parties who just as soon as possible so that they can exchange information as they would otherwise do at the scene of the accident. Because violating this law is a Class 5 felony, ensuring compliance with these requirements is important to preserve your right to civil recovery.

People involved in a car accident will need to assist their Virginia car accident attorneys by gathering evidence that can prove their case if it becomes necessary to go to court. After a car accident, the first thing victims should do—after receiving proper medical treatment for the incident—is to document all the damage. Photograph the scene, collect the names and contact information of any witnesses, and secure all medical records related to the injuries sustained in the accident.

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Immediately after an accident occurs, it is not always possible to determine how severe the injuries will be. Therefore, it is wise to contact a doctor immediately and document the injuries. Some injuries that occur in car accidents are not immediately apparent and may appear, or worsen, several days later. It will be important for NoVa car accident lawyers

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